Korason Method

The Korason Method (KM) for Authentic Voice and Dialogue 

  1. Discover, own and cultivate the natural physical voice you were born to have!
  2. With this instrument, voice your emotional, psychological & spiritual truth!
  3. Take your Authentic Voice into conversations with loved ones, coaching sessions, consultations, negotiations and dialogue for greater success in resolving conflict, decision-making and healing trauma. 

The Korason Method is the culmination, integration and heart of 40 years of learning  and teaching. Based on the twin powers of consciousness and vocal sound production, mindful utterance lies at the convergence of resonant health, spirit-mind-body coherence, emotional well-being and effective communication.

The human voice is both an intimate part of our body and powerful creator of our worlds. When conversations (within ourselves and with others) miscarry, working mindfully with the “uttering organ” can enhance both personal and social cohesion. In fact, finding and using one’s true and natural voice is an important building block towards genuine dialogue and relationship.

KM is a highly experiential method, easy to learn and practice, with accumulative benefits that accompany familiarity and review. Energizing, fun and adventurous, it usually rewards with immediate results which deepen and expand with usage. As well as opening up inner worlds (understanding, perception, insight), KM is also highly practical in that it involves specific techniques which can be applied to real-life, day-to-day situations, interpersonal challenges, physical and emotional balance and health.

The languages of music (tone, harmony, resonance, vibration), mysticism (mindfulness, meditation, oneness, spiritual connection) and neuroscience all contribute to the context and and environment within which we can discover, evolve and enhance our true, natural voice, both the actual physical sound produced through our vocal apparatus as well as the ability to better express and voice our truth and purpose. The connection between these two aspects of expression lies at the heart of Korason and the seeming magic of this Method.

The simplicity of the core practice consists of producing conscious sounds related to the chakra system with the vocal apparatus, and through the lens of mindfulness (relaxed, conscious attention to experience), empowering these sounds (and later speech) with the wings of knowledge, visualization, intention and action. A safe and nourishing environment is created to facilitate the free expression of emotion and creativity.

Some of the Many Benefits of the Korason Method are:

• release of creativity
• emotional and physical vitalization and relaxation
• reversal of the aging process
• greater mind-body coherence and harmony
• tools to cultivate a more natural and authentic physical voice
• confidence in using this voice for speaking and singing
• clearer sense of purpose and ability to voice your truth
• enhanced communication & relationship via enhanced voice & expression
• becoming master of Authentic Dialogue & helping create conditions for AD to happen

Workshops have been offered in many countries. If interested, contact me at hughsmiley@sympatico.ca

Also you may buy a KM online course offering a first module containing 7 video lessons with accompanying resources. Email me if interested.