
This is the first draft of a place for feedback from various workshops in different countries. If you’ve attended a workshop, retreat or online course on the Korason or Hakomi Methods, Meditation or Flamenco for Health, and would like to share re your experience, please email me your comment and it can be posted here. – Hugh

What a treat!
-Lynn  Arsenault (Toronto)

• The KM workshop with Hugh Smiley was a great experience.  I got to express myself through singing and drumming, which got me in touch with myself.  I liked the creative aspect of creating for myself a short summary statement, and putting it to song, and how everybody drummed and sang that song with me.  I felt supported, encouraged and loved.  A great environment, great teacher and great experience!

This two day exposure to the benefits of an authentically modulated voice was an eye opener. Never knew that using a range of vowel and consonant tones in a clearly connected way could be so powerful in expressing and balancing oneself. A real pleasure.
The information was presented in a way that grounded it into the body’s memory for future use; very organic.” Hugh was a gentle guide through a depth of material and fit the detail with the personal needs brought to the workshop by the participants. This was a great experience!
Who knew the tango of sound could be set free to dance in this way.
-Peter Tytler, financial advisor & healer (Ontario)

Like a doorway to another world and I went though it I arrived in life. There’s no language to resume or call it by its name except ..risk (the Grace of God) The invitation to participate in life. I thank you and B for the company in theses dais . You are doing a life-important , priceless work and important life task. Thank you. May your work and love be rewarded with joy, peace and ongoing love.  – Simona (Germany)

I got a glimpse of inner freedom in me. Thanks so much you too. (Geza) ?
It’s difficult to find the right focus … integration, parts that were kept separated can exist in one space at the same time which means that I was able to give me permission. Eg. Hafiz and Rumi in my sufi past. I could stop putting up walls and instead of either/or, it was “as well as”. I find a way to touch. Thankful for the insight that I’m already in a huge space where everything can be and then to send all the love, to receive and to give.
-Geza (Germany)

•I’m writing this, while listening to the Brian Eno music that you shared, to reflect upon my experience.. and to say thank you in my own way. Lots of interesting dreams last night (lots of music, dancing and wealth!!).

I enjoyed the smooth transition you made between one task/activity and the other. I enjoyed the alert but subtle way you were noticing things around, a skill I rarely see in people I know here. And I also enjoyed the harmony that happened between my personal preferences and the overall colours, sounds and smells in the space. 

It was good to feel heard and understood, It was good to be asked to pull things from deep down, even though i still couldn’t go far with that, but as a first step this was good and I sincerely thank you.. I wish I had the logistics and the docs that would have enabled me to join the workshop you will do in Spain as I trust that would be a whole combination of mere pure beauty. Good luck with that! -Haneen, Toronto

La experiencia que te voy a contar es de mayor conexión conmigo mismo, de sentir con mayor conciencia y  fuerza mis necesidades, mis emociones, mis sentimientos y mis pensamientos.  Esta experiencia de mayor profundidad con mi propio ser va acompañada con una mayor facilidad y naturalidad para expresarme, transmitiendo interés genuino, amor, paz y esperanza a los demás. Ahora que escribo siento mayor plenitud, siento que mi corazón esta vivo, con gran capacidad de amor. Este es el resultado que hoy te puedo comunicar. El proceso que seguí fue el que me sugeriste de cada día, una o dos veces me tomo 15 a 20 minutos en los que me concentro en mi respiración, expresando lo que estoy haciendo, luego me represento como una montaña que ve y contiene mucha riqueza, luego como una laguna que es muy clara y cristalina y nutre a la tierra. Seguidamente me concentro en mis necesidades (de trabajo, de subsistencia) y mis proyecciones en el campo de la salud mental y espiritual, finalmente respirando profundamente hago el ejercicio de chacras adecuado comenzando con la base (con la letra U) que representa mis necesidades, pasando por el buen juicio, para escoger bien (con la sílaba MI) y terminar con la conexión con mis sentimientos (con la sílaba MA) y la entrega hacia a los demás (con la sílaba HA). Termino siempre sintiéndome bien, fortalecido.
Gracias Hugh     – Marco Maestro, sociologo (Lima, Peru)

Buen dia querido Hugh, queria contarte que hace muchos años, cuando viniste a Argentina y nos ofreciste un taller de la voz cambiaste mi vida para siempre.  Simplemente queria agradecerte por la luz que entregaste a mi camino.  Un abrazo!!!  
– Monique Crespo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Flamenco Healing

I recently had the opportunity to attend Hugh Smiley’s “Flamenco as Art for Healing & Resilience” workshops.  The classes helped me to overcome some self doubt and to find my authenticity which in turn helped me to be able to project my true self while teaching yoga.  While incredibly challenging at times it was also fun.  Ole !
– Steve Kvasniv yoga instructor (Toronto & Mexico)