Late Autumn Retreat

A unique opportunity to learn experientially
with therapist and teacher Hugh Smiley.
The LSR takes place on the weekend of Nov. 23-24, 2024.

A hybrid event, there’s room for up to 8 students in my
home-office as well as an additional group on Zoom.    – Hugh

Students, clients, colleagues & friends have been asking me to offer a simple vehicle for well-being and resilience – integrating approaches to health & consciousness that have been most helpful, inspiring and successful for me, and which I teach in various ongoing groups, workshops & of course, one-on-one. So here it is: a symmetry of core skills ...
              • easy to learn  • easy to practice  • easy to apply to everyday life.

Some of the many benefits students have gained from this work:

• creativity release   • emotional & physical vitalization & relaxation
• reversal of the aging process   • greater mind-body coherence & harmony
• tools to cultivate a natural physical voice; confidence to use it – expressing your truth
• enhanced communication & therefore improved relationships

More than ever, at this time of great testing and even greater opportunity, we need, within the hurricane of information swirling around us, a calm, quiet eye of clear perception – a safe place where we can be dry in the sea, cool in the fire and still in the storm.

During the Retreat, we will journey through 4 levels of an adaptive immune system which can serve not only as a protective fortress for well-being, but also a pro-active bearer of light and higher frequency. The latter’s healing, strengthening and peace-building benefits our own ‘vehicles’ , and through this our relationships – both personal & professional.

As we pause, in a measured and mindful way, from the noise of what is often an ego-driven intellect, and drop down into the ‘somatic heart’, we learn experientially that within the dark chambers of our being lies the very light that guides us back to freedom from the prison of past and present trauma.

Learning the simple techniques, integrated within a harmonious blend of modalities, within a safe and fun environment, provides a path, that with a little dedication and practice, leads to relaxation and happiness, peace and joy! A long trip begins with just one step; this can be the step that galvanizes your journey.

Information on:  • HakomiKorason  • Agni  • Chiron  Hugh’s background

This Late Summer Retreat is actually an introduction to a much larger body of study and practice, but like any good template, provides the blueprint upon which further and deeper levels can be assimilated in a pleasant, creative and effective way.

Participants  receive:

• 10 hours of live class time (on Zoom & on-site)
• recordings of parts of the classes
• short KM demonstration videos
• several short blogs on the MC themes  
• the option of continuing to explore & deepen
in the work through a monthly online practice session

I’ll be honoured if you choose to spend these November hours with me in class, learning tools, techniques and a psycho-spiritual paradigm that can carry you resiliently through Autumn, Winter and beyond.    – Hugh

To pay US$145 (early registration)
for the Late Autumn Retreat, click on the button below: